In this election we’ve seen unparalleled levels of conflict, drama, and adversarial politics. Trump and Clinton represent dramatically different approaches to leadership and conflict.

Monday Dec 03, 2018
From Mind-Full to Mindful Leadership with Steven Howard
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Are you a leader struggling to do your best work in a stressful world?
In what situations and in what interpersonal interactions do you regularly find your emotions and your reactions working against you and against your best interest?
Steven Howard, award-winning author of 20 leadership, marketing, and management books, joins me to share about his new book, Better Thinking, Better Decisions, Better Outcomes: How To Go from Mind-Full to Mindful leadership.
This book bridges the knowledge gap between neuroscience and mindfulness with special attention for leaders.
In this podcast get answers to:
- Why is dementia becoming a societal issue?
- How does a mind-full brain impact decision making and leadership?
- What are six tips for reducing the harmful impact of stress on your life so you can go from being a First-Reactors to a First-Responder?
- What are common myths about the brain?
- How drunk do you drive when you are sleep deprived?
- When does the brain start to deteriorate and how can we reverse the damage?
- And much more!
Buy the book and learn more about Mindful Leadership Courses and Certification.
Email Steven:

Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
John Izzo: The Purpose Revolution
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
A TRILLION DOLLAR OPPORTUNITY exists for companies who can close the purpose gap. John Izzo, author, leadership guru, and President of Izzo Associates, joins Nate Regier to share research and lessons from his newest book, the Purpose Revolution.
In 45 minutes you will get insights to these critical questions:
- What is the Purpose Revolution and why is it so important for business leaders?
- Where is the trillion dollar opportunity?
- What are some things companies and leaders can do to become more purpose focused?
- How do purpose-focused organizations handle mistakes?
- What are some immediate things you can do right now to begin living with more purpose?
Buy the book:
John Izzo on YouTube:
John Izzo on Facebook and Twitter: @DrJohnIzzo

Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Get inspired by the personal story of how an Australian Football League umpire is transforming his professional and personal life with Compassionate Accountability. If the strategies can work on the field with disgruntled footy players, or at a busy intersection with teenager learning to drive, they can work for you too! In this riveting conversation, learn about;
- The lifestyle and work of an AFL umpire, including credentials, training, and the game experience.
- Chris’ epiphanies about his own behavior, how he sees conflict, and the potential for harnessing the positive potential of conflict.
- How Chris uses the Formula for Compassionate Conflict on the football field with disgruntled and aggressive players.
- A touching and powerful story of how Chris transformed how he negotiated conflict with his teenage daughter during a driving lesson.
- The role of vulnerability in building trust and facilitating better dialogue during conflict.
- Building a cohesive, supportive team using the Compassionate Accountability.
- How the compassion cycle enhances innovation thinking.
Selected Quotes from Chris
“I’m no longer carrying the burden of trying to fix people and then monitor them for tripping up.”
“The first part is understanding my role and responsibility in conflict. The next is learning to decode others’ behavior and motivations.”
“Compassionate Accountability is a great way for innovation teams to broaden their perspective, co-exist better, and create new norms.”
“Vulnerability is a really good way to build some trust. It levels the playing field for effective dialogue.”
Let's get connected!
Learn more about bringing Compassionate Accountability to your team or organization

Tuesday Mar 28, 2017
Lolly Daskal - Heart Based Leadership: Who Are We Being When We Are Leading?
Tuesday Mar 28, 2017
Tuesday Mar 28, 2017
Lolly Daskal is a Leadership Coach, Consultant, Facilitator, Speaker, and Author. Recognized as a Top Thought Leader In Business, an advisor to Fortune 500 CEOs and boards, and one of the top executive coaches in the world, Lolly specializes in helping executives and leadership teams reach their full potential through cohesive organizational change, strategic planning, and process transformation. She writes a highly popular leadership blog, and has written thousands of articles, columns, speeches and presentations. In this interview, hear Lolly answers these and many more important questions about leadership:
- What does it mean to lead from within, why is this the key to effective leadership?
- As a voracious reader of business and leadership literature, what trends are you seeing?
- Who have been the most influential mentors and thought-leaders in your life?
- What is your definition of great leadership?
- What myths about leadership would you like to challenge?
- How have common understandings of leadership changed over the years?
- What leadership skills and abilities will be critical over the next ten years?
- Why are 97% of your clients men?
- What challenges have you faced being a woman who coaches top leaders?
- What is the key to behavior change?
- How do you have compassion but not get lost in somebody else’s story?
- What daily disciplines keep you centered and healthy?
- What is the essential message of your new book, “The Leadership Gap: What Gets between You and Your greatness?”
- What is something peculiar or surprising about you?
Connect with Lolly
Follow Lolly on Twitter and Facebook
Suggested Tweets
Heart-based Leadership: Who are we being when we are leading? #podcast @NextNate interviews @LollyDaskal
Touching and candid #podcast interview with @LollyDaskal about her life and views on #leadership.
What is heart-based #leadership? @NextNate interviews @LollyDaskal in this #podcast
This podcast is hosted by Next Element Consulting- Building Cultures of Compassionate Accountability

Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Compassionate Accountability and Community Policing: Chief Gordon Ramsay
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Gordon Ramsay is a unique individual who breaks the traditional mold for law enforcement. One of the youngest police chiefs in the nation, Chief Ramsay has gotten national media attention and even received an invitation to the White House by former President Obama for his innovative and inspiring response to the black lives matter movement and protests in Wichita, KS. Gordon believes that transparency is key to great relationships, and the best solutions come when we struggle with people instead of against them. He is no stranger to conflict, and has a passion for community policing that transforms the role of law enforcement as an agent of positive change.
In this candid conversation, hear Chief Ramsay discuss;
- The proactive steps he took to build trust before conflict happened.
- How he facilitated compassionate accountability during the Black Lives Matter protests.
- His philosophy about openness in policing and leadership.
- How openness leads to trust.
- Keys to increase trust in police in communities of color and lower income communities.
- What positive policing principles apply to leadership?
- What is Gordon most proud of during his service for the Wichita Police Department?
Follow Chief Ramsay:
@Chief_Ramsay on Twitter
@WichitaChief on Facebook

Saturday Feb 04, 2017
The Power of Vulnerability with Dov Baron
Saturday Feb 04, 2017
Saturday Feb 04, 2017
International speaker, author and leadership expert, Dov Baron, shares his candid perspective on the power of vulnerability to build trust and catalyze great leadership. Dov’s purpose is to facilitate the purpose of others so that they can lead deeply fulfilling and successful lives. Listen to this riveting interview where we cover these and many more powerful lessons:
- How did a mountain climbing accident invite Dov to face his own vulnerability in an unexpected way?
- How does vulnerability build trust and why it is essential to leadership?
- Why is adaptability be the enemy of vulnerability?
- What is abundance and how can you achieve it?
- Why is emotional safety the precursor for accountability?
- How is leader vulnerability related to employee engagement?
- Should you judge people based on behavior, or intent? Why?
- What is the difference between empathy and compassion?
- Why was Nelson Mandela both a hero and an antihero?
- Four strategies for being a more trusting and trustworthy leader
Connect with Dov:
We want to hear from you! What are you doing to put these principles into action. Write to and, share and interact with this podcast.

Friday Jan 20, 2017
Five Thieves of Happiness: Interview With John Izzo
Friday Jan 20, 2017
Friday Jan 20, 2017
“All suffering is the resistance to what is.”
John Izzo is truly a modern day prophet. Author of six best-selling leadership books, John, gives listeners a candid window into his new book while sharing parallels between the five thieves of happiness and his personal journey.
In this book, Izzo distills thousands of years of learning across multiple religious and philosophical traditions into a clear and compelling guide for each of us.
Happiness is our natural state, John argues. Only our own distorted habits of thinking and believing that get in it’s way. Join John and Nate for 45 minutes that will give you new perspectives and tools to live a more fulfilled, meaningful, and HAPPY life! In this podcast, you will discover answers to these questions:
- What are these thieves? How do they steal our happiness?
- How do we recognize the thieves and kick them out of our house?
- Where do we see these thieves in our culture and how should we respond?
- How do the thieves apply in our current political climate?
- Which thief helps us understand the “self-esteem generation?”
- Is the goal of life to be happy all the time? What about negative emotions?
- How have John’s discoveries shaped his personal journey?
Get The Five Thieves of Happiness at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many other booksellers. Visit his website,
I want to hear from you! What are you doing to put what you've learned into action. Write, share and interact with this podcast.

Monday Dec 12, 2016
Turning Social Media Drama Into Positive Energy: With Tim Fargo
Monday Dec 12, 2016
Monday Dec 12, 2016
“You don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to.” - Tim Fargo
Tim Fargo is an entrepreneur, 2X Inc. 500 winner, international speaker, best-selling author, and president and CEO of Social Jukebox, a social media content management system. Tim wrote the Amazon best selling book, Alphabet Success, which distills the business and leadership lessons he’s learned through his journey of building and leading several highly successful companies.
Hear Tim’s wisdom on how to stay positive with social media. The first half focuses around healthy personal habits with social media. The second half focuses more on strategic use of social media. If you use SM for your business, there are some great tips in here! Learn about Social Jukebox, a terrific tool for being strategic in your social media activity.
Other nuggets from this podcast:
- What’s the value of being strategic?
- Who do you want to be online?
- The role of social media in politics
- Analysis of how Donald Trump is using of Twitter
- When is it time to disengage?
- From echo chamber to SM strategy
Check out Social Jukebox
Connect with Tim Fargo on Twitter
I want to hear from you! What are you doing to put what you've learned into action. Write, share and interact with this podcast.

Friday Dec 02, 2016
The Power of Letting Go: Interview with Dan Rockwell, the Leadership Freak
Friday Dec 02, 2016
Friday Dec 02, 2016
I am delighted to have Dan Rockwell with me to talk about leadership and some of the difficult decisions leaders make and help facilitate others to make every day.
Dan is a leadership expert, author, trainer and consultant. He writes a daily leadership blog called Leadership Freak, that is read in virtually every country on the globe, and has been the first or second most shared leadership blog over the past four years. Dan has received some prestigious awards, including the American Management Association Top 30 Leader in Business of 2014, the INC Top Fifty Leadership and Management Expert, and Top 100 Great Leadership Speakers. Dan is a great guy, a straight shooter, and a really experienced leadership expert.
Listen to Dan and I discuss these tough issues around leadership and decision-making.
- How do you know it’s time to let go and move on?
- Why is it so hard for people and organizations to make this choice?
- What are the consequences when we don’t make this choice?
- What are some tips and advice for listeners who find struggle with letting go and moving on?
Visit Leadership Freak
Follow Dan on Twitter
I want to hear from you! What are you doing to put what you've learned into action. Write, share and interact with this podcast.

Friday Oct 14, 2016
Leadership, Conflict, And The 2016 Election
Friday Oct 14, 2016
Friday Oct 14, 2016
Bill Eddy, expert in high-conflict personalities, and recent author of Trump Bubbles: The Rise and Fall of High-Conflict Politicians, joins Nate Regier, communication and conflict advisor, and recent author of Conflict Without Casualties: A Field Guide for Leading with Compassionate Accountability for an interactive discussion.
Eddy and Regier answer listener's questions, analyze what's going on with this election, and make predictions.